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Rumores necrón

Lord Claisen
Aertes D
Sr. Talega
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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Macharius Sáb Oct 22, 2011 12:35 am

A este paso el año que viene...

Mensajes : 1086
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011
Localización : Mundo Necrópolis Antirancio.

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Funcioneta Sáb Oct 22, 2011 1:09 am

Hombre, von Kikus, poyote lo dudo. Como dicen por ahí, mientras no sean testarudos o corajudos, ya no pueden hacer lo que hacían antes, con lo que tendrán que chutarlos por otro lado. Yo de momento no veo nada aterrador con la única excepción de los abrelatas escarabajos (y eso queda muy reducido si el enemigo se ha movido)

Los guerreros, con todo lo que se ha dicho y a 11 puntos, pasan de ser basura a ser casi aceptables. Después de todo, un tau cuesta un punto menos y al menos el necrón puede ser ocasionalmente útil en cuerpo a cuerpo, pero estos tipos no van a tirar la autorreparación en cuerpo a cuerpo la inmensa mayoría de las veces (igual que hacen ahora)

El inmortal habrá que verlo. Todavía no está claro nada, pero tampoco son tropas que puedan aguantar un cuerpo a cuerpo ni de coña.

Ahora bien, si cuando se les una un paria (cryptek) a la escuadra pasan a tener coraje, la cosa cambia. Si no, habrá que dejarle el cuerpo a cuerpo a los desolladores, espectros y demás

Lo único claro es que estos mexicrones se van a "amar" hasta los dientes lol!

Mensajes : 777
Fecha de inscripción : 04/10/2011
Edad : 45

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  stupendoman Dom Oct 23, 2011 5:08 am

Dani del salon al tablero hay un buen salto. Por 12 puntos seguro que hay opciones que tu creas mejor. Pero ninguna retorna a juego , puede dañar a cualquier vehiculo, tiene liderazgo 10, HA y hB de 4, sin contar con Fy R de 4 tambien. Vamos que lo puedes intentar pero no creo que lo encuentres. Incluso en el codex inombrable tampoco lo encontrars. Debe ser por que los necrones en general tambien son grises.

Mensajes : 2120
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Macharius Dom Oct 23, 2011 9:25 am

Si Kike con I2 y S4+... buenísimos cuerpo a cuerpo, sin duda... y a ver esas opciones de armamentos... y costes para que se queden en medio basurillas...

Mensajes : 1086
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011
Localización : Mundo Necrópolis Antirancio.

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Luzbel Dom Oct 23, 2011 9:43 am

Rumores necrón - Página 9 Th_931689532_5th_ed_necron_122_105lo

Mensajes : 1576
Fecha de inscripción : 23/09/2011
Localización : Averno

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Funcioneta Dom Oct 23, 2011 9:59 am

stupendoman escribió:Dani del salon al tablero hay un buen salto. Por 12 puntos seguro que hay opciones que tu creas mejor. Pero ninguna retorna a juego , puede dañar a cualquier vehiculo, tiene liderazgo 10, HA y hB de 4, sin contar con Fy R de 4 tambien. Vamos que lo puedes intentar pero no creo que lo encuentres. Incluso en el codex inombrable tampoco lo encontrars. Debe ser por que los necrones en general tambien son grises.

Lo siento Kike, pero tienen liderazgo, me importa un pimiento que tengan L10, el caso es que una unidad con liderazgo (y sin fullerías marineras o testarudez), a no ser que sean unos borricarcas, jamás va a aguantar un asalto, ni siquiera si son ellos los que asaltan, la culpa es del sistema de liderazgo tipo Fantasy pero sin filas que tiene ahora el 40. Una tropa sin coraje y que sea de línea regulera vale como tropa de disparo y nada más, a no ser que sea del tipo horda y aun entonces depende mucho del enemigo (estoy pensando en los kroot, que son buenos siempre y cuando puedas colocarlos en el lugar adecuado, ni de lejos son tropas de no pensar)

Y de lo de dañar a los vehículos, me muero de la risa y me desternillo. Los superficiales ya no valen para casi nada y menos a 60 cm y en fuego rápido (todavía a 90 tendrían un pase para fastidiar a los vehículos de tiros). Las armas gauss necronas, a pesar de lo que la gente cree, no son más que el arma pesada del pobre, pasables y nada más. Porque sin las gauss no tendríamos ni siquiera la ínfima posibilidad de dañar vehículos que tenemos ahora, que todos sabemos lo poquito que duran 6 destructores pesados a fuego de cañón láser o incluso de bolter pesado si me pillas con el día tonto. Si al menos lo vehículos tuvieran heridas, me callaba, pero con vehículos de una herida, estamos en estas.

A ver, no digo que por 12 puntos un guerrero necrón sea malo, pero ni de lejos es un poyote. De momento ni lleva armas pesadas ni armas de energía ni tienen votos del país de la piruleta ni coraje ni testarudos ni les crece un tercer brazo por un punto más. Cuando vea el códice te podré dar la razón o quitártela, pero con lo que sabemos ahora y por 12 puntos, son del montón: he visto cosas peores y también mejores. Lo que sí es cierto es que con lo que hacen ahora por 18 puntos, son una patata, y por comparación los mexicrones pueden parecer buenos a su lado.

Mensajes : 777
Fecha de inscripción : 04/10/2011
Edad : 45

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Funcioneta Dom Oct 23, 2011 10:00 am

+1 para Luzbel. Han sido los años de la travesía en el desierto, una edición anti-necrones. Ya veremos como les va a los mexicrones

Mensajes : 777
Fecha de inscripción : 04/10/2011
Edad : 45

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Macharius Dom Oct 23, 2011 12:42 pm

+1 a lo dicho por Funcioneta y aporto más para aquellos flipadillos que hablan sobre que los inmortales son unos poyotes ya que sus armas según lo último se queda tal que así: La normal es de fuego rápido y la pueden cambiar por una de asalto 1 F5 y que si sacas un 6 al impactar haces 2 impactos. No es gran cosa pero son más baratos, ya ya ya... scratch

Post: Funcioneta se te olvida que también los hay que trafican con drogas, que te ponen tatoo para darte mejor, que por mi cara bonita te doy no una, ni dos, ni tres, 4 tortas para comer, que antes de empezar a hablar hago que te fumes un cigarrillo a 4+, que como no se contar lo repito todo, etc etc Sleep


Mensajes : 1086
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011
Localización : Mundo Necrópolis Antirancio.

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  stupendoman Lun Oct 24, 2011 1:05 am

FUncioneta. Si de un tiro de f4 el rhino , o cualquier vehiculo deja de disparar, o deja de moverse. ya es bastate. 60 cm es un alcance mas que aceptable, medio, pero valido. SObretodo si puedes telportarte.
Hay un post donde hablan de las armas antitanque, y tiene bastantes, y todas para los lideres necrones y crytec. QUe por cierto tambien tienen armas de energia y similares. Pero lo que pedis son marines. para jugar con los astartes , estan ellos mismo.

EL transfondo no es el que esperabamos, las reglas son diferentes pero de eso a lo que contais y por las razones hay un abismo incomprensible y eterno.
Si quereis algo mucho mejor y sin mirar el codex, estan los caballeros grises. Son pocas minis y faciles de pintar. Very Happy

Mensajes : 2120
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Luzbel Lun Oct 24, 2011 1:44 am

La regla gauss me parece genial y no la anterior que con un codex actual sería excesiva. Hay que ver el codex para saber cúal es el antitanque real, pero teniendo en cuenta que los escarabajos y los tipos que saltan con las hojas del vacío pueden roer la armadura, más lo que tengan pepinesco y encima la línea puede hacer superficiales con sus armas de serie, la verdad es que lo mismo me equivoco pero no lo veo mal. A veces nos emperramos en volar vehículos pero un no mueve no dispara sobre un land raider duele mucho, a no ser que sea uno de los sagrados land raider grises de la santa inquisición, claro que en ese caso os lo mereceríais por herejes.

Mensajes : 1576
Fecha de inscripción : 23/09/2011
Localización : Averno

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Macharius Lun Oct 24, 2011 4:31 am

Hablo por mi, no pido marines, tan sólo que después de 9 años no quiero un codex igual y si a la altura de los últimosssssss ejercitos actualizados , cyclops A LA ALTURA cyclops , no iguales. Pero por el camino que va parece que sólo van a cambiar la portada ( a peor ) y cuatro chorradas que no sirven de mucho o para que salgan debes trucar los dados con 6 en todas sus caras...

Mensajes : 1086
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011
Localización : Mundo Necrópolis Antirancio.

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Karring Lun Oct 24, 2011 5:20 am

Macharius escribió: o para que salgan debes trucar los dados con 6 en todas sus caras...

Creía que te reparabas a 5+ y no a 6+... además de que así saldrían unos dados trucados menos sospechosos

Mensajes : 545
Fecha de inscripción : 23/09/2011

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Macharius Lun Oct 24, 2011 9:33 am

Karring escribió:
Macharius escribió: o para que salgan debes trucar los dados con 6 en todas sus caras...

Creía que te reparabas a 5+ y no a 6+... además de que así saldrían unos dados trucados menos sospechosos
Cuando digo las chorradas a 6+ me refiero a los superficiales para los vehículos rabbit

Mensajes : 1086
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011
Localización : Mundo Necrópolis Antirancio.

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  predator Lun Oct 24, 2011 10:13 am

Anda angel deja de llorar, ya veras como despues eres el que mejor se lo para persiguiendo a los vehiculos en el combate cuerpo a cuerpo

Mensajes : 362
Fecha de inscripción : 27/09/2011

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Luzbel Lun Oct 24, 2011 1:04 pm

Pedir a un jugador de warhammer que no llore quejándose del juego y más en concreto de su codex en particular me parece una blasfemia. ¿Que va a ser lo siguiente?, pedirle que no tire dados, que no se descargue porno, que no se haga listas rancias...

Aprovechando que cada vez duermo menos y más tarde, aquí teneis vuestra recopilación diaria de rumorología necrona para vuestro goce y disfrute.

Harbinger of Destruction:
Eldritch Lance: Str8 Ap2 36" assault 1 (not a lance)
Gaze of Flame: Assault/Defensive grenades
Solar Pulse: Night fighting madness

Harbinger of Eternity:
Timesplitter Cloak:

Harbinger of Transmogrification:
Tremorstave: Units hit treat all terrain as difficult next turn
Seismic Crucible: Reduces assault move by D3" of one unit attacking cryptic
Harp of Dissonance: 1 shot entropic attack with unlimited range

Harbinger of the Storm:
Voltaic Staff: 12" Assault 4 Haywire
Ether Crystal: Damages nearby deepstrikers
Lightning Field: Damages attackers

Harbringer of Despair:
Abyssal Staff: high strength, but attacks leadership as if it were Toughness?
Nightmare Shroud: Current codex has it forcing leadership tests, failure resulting in falling back
Veil of Darkness: Like current codex, but no leaving CC any more

So, really, the one we know next to nothing about is the Harbinger of Eternity


And for people asking for more about the Triarch Stalker, I'm not sure what else I can tell you really! All the really important info has been provided.

Uh, well I suppose I can say that it is BS/WS4, S7, I2 & A3, but really none of that is too important to its function. I would imagine that if people take it they would tend to abandon the heat ray because of its short-ish 24" range and pay for the twin-linked Heavy Gauss Cannon upgrade instead to allow it to sit back a bit and fire at 36"...not the least of which because even if you don't kill the vehicle with that shot the 'marker' ability will still kick in allowing other Necron units waiting to shoot to re-roll their hits against it.

Today let's look more at the 2nd of the 'Cryptek' (in the fluff only -- still just a HQ choice in the army list) named character: Orikan the Diviner.

His fluff is that he is the master 'astromancer' in the Necron race and is roughly equivalent to what Eldrad is to the Eldar (although I think Eldrad is superior to him in terms of future predictions).

Since Orikan knows so much about the future, he tends to treat other Necrons with scorn and disdain and this has made him less than popular and many would like to see him destroyed. Unfortunately, his skills are fare too useful for anyone to actually go through with that.

Unlike a Farseer, it seems as though his ability to predict the future is largely based on sheer calculations of even the smallest minutiae. However, unforeseen events, especially those based around the truly unpredictable nature of the warp can and do confound him. In order to maintain his reputation, he has access to some rare chronomantic abilities, which he uses to actually go backwards in time to change past events slightly to make sure his predictions actually come true.

Of course, every time he does this, naturally all sorts of other terrible unforeseen events also tend to occur based on what he changed in the past, but as long as his prediction came true, he cares little for any other destruction he causes.

Just as with Illuminor Szeras (the other 'Cryptek' named character) he has lesser stats than the Overlord style named characters. He does have a phase shifter though (3++ save).

His weapon is the 'staff of tomorrow' and its basically a staff that hits his opponents an instant before he actually swings it! That means he gets to re-roll 'to hit' and 'to wound' rolls, and it is a power weapon.

He has a special rule called 'Lord of Time' that allows him on one turn (and only one turn) to re-roll all unsuccessful reserve rolls that turn (unsuccessful rolls MUST be rerolled that turn, he doesn't get to choose).

He has another special rule that means all enemy units count as moving through difficult terrain on the first turn and if they are actually moving through difficult terrain then they have to choose the lowest die from the two they roll for difficult terrain. This obviously seems like a good ability to combine with the C'Tan manifestation that makes all difficult terrain count as dangerous!

The last ability he has is called 'The Stars are Right' and basically represents the fact that Orikan has predicted that at some time during the battle the stars will align and he will reclaim a portion of his ancient power (presumably from before when he was a Necontyr). He rolls a D6 at the start of each of his turns and if the die roll is less than or equal to the turn number then he has ascended to his 'empowered' state and gets a totally new statline that has S/T7, A/W4, etc...suspiciously similar to a C'Tan profile some would say.

Of course, you have to keep rolling at the start of each turn and if you ever roll less than or equal to the turn number again, his power recedes and he drops back down to his old statline (which could mean he instantly dies if he had already suffered more wounds than his 'lesser' profile has on it).

Points-wise, this guy is nowhere near as cheap as Illuminor Szeras, but compared to the rest of the named characters, he is still the cheapest.

O sea, que estamos hablando de un tipo que viaja al pasado y hace cambios simplemente para que su predicción salga bien, lo que vendría siendo el Dios de los Fulleros.


Aquí parece que hablan del bipode escorpión de élite que no tiene figura aún.

Yes, but your walker is:

A) Slow.
B) Is open-topped.
C) Only has AV13 until the first damage roll against it.
D) You have a 'marker' ability that only works when the Stalker hits its target, which means if it is out of range of its target, then you're not getting the most of its abilities.
E) To utilize the 'Melta' portion of the Heat Ray means you have to be within 12" of your target which likely puts you within melta range of your opponent's guns as well.

So wrap that all together and I would think that even though the Heat Ray's two shots look awesome (not to mention its ability to fire a template when you need it), I would still think you'd typically get more general use out of this walker by taking the longer-ranged weapon.


Para todos aquellos que esperaban que los necrones fuesen la perdición de los caballeros grises y los psíquicos en general. Alabado sea el Emperador:

Sorry, all I can recommend is that you take a bunch of Tomb Spyders if you're afraid of psychic abilities, but even those are only going to stop psychic attacks against you. You won't be able to do anything against stuff like Fortune that buffs their own units.

The Warp does seem to be something they hate, but I guess that doesn't necessarily mean they have the answer to canceling it out. I suppose if they did, they probably wouldn't hate/fear it so much, would they?


Buenas noches Sleep

Mensajes : 1576
Fecha de inscripción : 23/09/2011
Localización : Averno

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Bizarre Lun Oct 24, 2011 8:33 pm

Cagate! los necrones tienen señores del tiempo? estamos jodidos! Incluso me han dicho que se ha filtrado la mini!

Rumores necrón - Página 9 Jwi7Uc6QMa7g4

Mensajes : 271
Fecha de inscripción : 23/09/2011

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Macharius Lun Oct 24, 2011 8:43 pm

predator escribió:Anda angel deja de llorar, ya veras como despues eres el que mejor se lo para persiguiendo a los vehiculos en el combate cuerpo a cuerpo
Deja tío que lo estoy pasando hasta mal... le tengo un amor/odio que no me aclaro Mad Razz
Por otro lado sobre lo que hace el Orikan ese mola. Se acerca aquello de 2+ gano la partida porque lo predije... flower

Mensajes : 1086
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011
Localización : Mundo Necrópolis Antirancio.

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Macharius Lun Oct 24, 2011 9:07 pm

Creo que no se ha puesto y tampoco tengo ni idea de lo que dice ( seguro que es un poyote I love you ) pero no deja de ser más información Suspect

• Imotekh the Stormlord (Lord of the Sau): The most powerful Necron Overlord currently. A master strategist whose nemesis is the Orks (since their random nature is the only thing that can accidentally disrupt his flawless plans).

• Nemesor Zahndrekh: Overlord damaged in the great sleep who still thinks he is flesh and blood fighting the war of secession against his brother Necrontyr. Therefore, he is one of the few Necron Lords who still fights with honor and valor towards his enemies. Has a bodyguard named Vargard Obryron.

• Illuminor Szeras: The Necrontyr who took the C'Tan's knowledge to do bio-transfer and actually made it a he's the chief architect within the Necrons for actually making the bio-transference happen. He is a master of technology and can augment D3 units in the army with an augmentation.

• Orikan the Diviner: A master astromancer (a Cryptek specializing in tech that can predict the future), he is renown for knowing what will happen and when. During the game he is able to achieve a 'powered up' state that gives him a greatly increases statline, but this boost can randomly end on any turn dropping him back down to his regular stats.

• Anrakyr the Traveller: A Necron Lord whose goal is to unite the Necron Empires again. He travels to Tomb Worlds still sleeping and kills the 'lesser' inhabitants that may live there unaware they are on a Tomb World, the 'price' for this service is to claim a tithe from the newly awakened legions. Some Necrons see him as a golden crusader others don't want reunification and would rather see him dead.

• Trazyn the Infinite: He is a Necron who woke very early and is fascinated with studying and collecting history. His tomb world is filled with secret trinkets including (I quote) 'a giant of a man clad in baroque power armor' (start your wild theories here!). He even will attack other Necron tomb worlds to capture artifacts from them that he doesn't think they deserve. He is the character that has the CC ability to pick one type of model he killed that round and inflict wounds on all models of that type in the combat.

• Necron Overlord: Generic DIY Necron Overlord (guy who rules a Tomb World) with plenty of options. Can ride on a Catacomb Command Barge (which is a one man transport) as can all the named 'Lords' above, but not those that are Crypteks in their fluff (Illuminor Szeras & Orikan the Diviner). Also can be a Destroyer Lord instead.

• Royal Court: 0-5 regular Necron Lords (lieutenants to the Overlords) as well as 0-5 Crypteks. Crypteks are masters of Necron technology, whose abilities sometimes appear like sorcery to other races, but they do not have any psychic powers...all their abilities do not require a psychic test or anything like that (nor are they ever referred to as psychic powers in any way). Any member of the Court (Lord or Cryptek) can be split off at the start of the game to lead a unit of Warriors, Immortals, Lychguard or Deathmarks (but only one per unit). Neither Lords nor Crypteks are ICs.


• Night Scythe: A variant of the Doom Scythe fighter that is a 15 model flyer transport with the 'supersonic' 36" flat-out move that the new flyers (that are really skimmers) have. Can carry jump infantry models (taking up 2 spots each) and fire all its weapons even when moving at cruising speed. Has living metal (chance to ignore crew shaken & stunned) but not quantum shielding (which gives +2 armor until the vehicle suffers its first glancing or penetrating hit). AV 11/11/11 like most Necron vehicles (not open-topped though).

• Ghost Ark: 10 model transport, Open-topped AV11 with quantum shielding and living metal. Also is able to regenerate D3 models to one unit within 6" each Necron movement phase (but cannot take the unit above its starting size).

• Catacomb Command Barge: One-man vehicle for most ICs. Open-topped AV11 with quantum shielding & living metal. Can make sweep attacks over 3 enemy units it passes over when it moves. Also the character can lose wounds to negate immobilized or weapon destroyed results.


• Deathmarks: 24" range rapid-fire AP 5 sniper unit that can choose to Deep Strike in immediately after any enemy unit arrives from Reserves (which just allows the enemy to fire at them first?)...teleporting in from a pocket dimension to target their prey. They can also mark a single unit as their 'target' which allows them to roll to wound on a 2+. Beautiful models from the pics leaked, but at the point cost listed I can't see them ever being used except to see those great models on the table. Can be transported on a Night Scythe.

• Lychguard: Traditionally these have been the bodyguards for the Overlords. Come standard with Warscythes (+2 Strength Power weapon) and can replace them with Hyperphase swords (power weapon) and Dispersion Shields (the thing that gives them a 4+ invuln and reflects enemy shooting). I made a mistake before. The Shields don't only reflect enemy shooting within 6", they reflect all enemy shooting, but only against enemy units who are within 6" of them (they reflect saved wounds, they don't affect blast/templates, for example). Can be transported on a Night Scythe.

• Triarch Ptaetorians: These used to be effectively the 'police' (my term) of the main Necron ruler (the last of which was the Silent King) to help enforce his will onto the Lords of the Empire. They are known to respect great warriors and honor valor and have sometimes ordered Necron Overlords to stop attacking a foe they deemed worthy of respect (much to the Lord's chagrin). They are Jump Infantry with a 6" AP2 S5 weapon. They can swap that out for Void Blades (a weapon with Rending and the same Entriopic ability that Scarabs have) and Particle Casters (a pistol weapon). No transport option.

• C'Tan Shard: Must take 2 of the 11 listed ability choices that basically shape what kind of C'Tan shard you're fielding. No ability can be taken more than once in the army (even if you take 3 C'Tan shards in the army). The statline is slightly less impressive than previous incarnations of the C'Tan, but still pretty decent. Also has Eternal Warrior and ignores all terrain penalties. Still explodes D6" when they die. Fluff-wise, these are shards effectively controlled by the Necron (even though they have most shards locked away in pocket dimensions). Each shard represents only a portion of the power and consciousness of the C'Tan and therefore in battle the C'Tan may not even think to utilize some of its power because the portion of it that knows it has 'X' power simply isn't there. This is essentially what explains why they only have access to 2 special abilities in battle.

• Flayed Ones: 3 Attacks base (and no additional CC weapons). Can infiltrate or Deep Strike. No transport options.

• Triarch Stalker: Concept Sketch shows a Triarch Praetorian sitting in an open-topped cockpit that is riding on a Necron-style giant almost scorpion walker set of legs. Very cool looking IMHO. Has a variable heat ray (which can be upgraded to a couple of other weapons) that can either be fired as a template or as an Assault 2 S8 24" Heavy2 Melta weapon. Has a Targeting relay which means that any enemy unit hit by the Stalker gets a counter placed by it that allows all other Necron units shooting at the same unit that phase to count as being twin-linked. AV11 & open-topped, but does have Quantum shielding & Living Metal.


• Warriors: You know them, you love them. Described as being basically automatons, with very little (if any) sentience. These were the non-warrior Necontyr before the bio-conversion. See my previous rumors (in the OP) for details on their points cost, etc. Can be transported on a Ghost Ark or Night Scythe.

• Immortals: Immortals are said to have the ability to at least speak, but still aren't too much brighter than Warriors. These were Elite warriors of the Necrontyr before the conversion (not sure who the rank and file troops were if the Warriors were the non-combatants and the Immortals were the Elite soldiers?). Can exchange their Gauss Blasters for Tesla Carbines (24" S5 Assault1, extra hit inflicted on a 'to hit' roll of '6') Can be transported on a Night Scythe.


• Canoptek Wraiths: Protectors of the Tombs while the hosts slumber. They have legs now? Jump Infantry who ignore terrain. 3A base with Rending. All models can take one of a few different upgrades including a Whip Coil (nearly identical to a Tyranid Lash Whip), particle caster (pistol) or a Exile Beamer (12" range that kills a random model in the target unit unless it passes a Strength test).

• Canoptek Scarabs: See the rumors copied in the OP for more details on what Scarbs do now.

• Tomb Blades: Jet Bikes. From the artwork, these look like Necron warriors fused into a flying crescent throne carrying a weapon harness in their arms that is base twin-linked Tesla Carbines. The fluff says that they are pre-programmed with a bunch of different flight patterns and vectors that the onboard Warrior chooses from on the fly. this mitigates the fact that a Warrior has poor coordination, but since the programs are so advanced, in reality they act basically like any other similar unit in an enemy army despite the fact that their 'pilots' are much slower to react. They can upgrade their weapons to a couple different choices (twin-linked Gauss Blaster or Particle Beamer). The entire unit can take any of the 3 options: Nebuloscope (increases BS to 5), Shield Vanes (increased armor save to 3+) & Shadowloom (Stealth).

• Destroyers: New fluff that says Destroyers are infected with some kind of degenerative virus that causes their sole purpose in life to be to kill their enemies. As such they hate everyone and have the Preferred Enemy special rule against everyone (as do Destroyer Lords). They are Jump Infantry now. Any model in the unit can upgrade to a Heavy Destroyer.


• Doomsday Ark: Variant of the Ghost Ark transport: Open-topped, AV11, Quantum Shielding, Living Metal. Something I forogot to say about the Ghost Ark...each Guass Flayer array (5 Flayers) on each side is allowed to fire at a different enemy target (and different from the Doomsday Cannon). Not entirely clear whether a weapon destroyed takes out a whole array or not, but I'm leaning towards yes. The Doomsday cannon has two profiles, one for if the vehicle did or didn't move that turn (with the non-moving one being 72" range S9 AP1 Large Blast). The moving profile only has a 24" range and a S7 blast. Basically described as gunboat whose strategy is to hit first and destroy the enemy before they can fire back.

• Annihilation Barge: Described as anti-infantry support platforms. Variant of the Catacomb Command Barge: Open-topped, AV11, Quantum Shielding, Living Metal. Has a twin-linked Tesla Destructor & a Tesla Cannon, but can upgrade the cannon to a Gauss Cannon. Not exactly sure why you'd want to do that except for the extra range (36" for the Gauss Cannon as opposed to all Tesla weapons which are 24" range).

• Monolith: 35 Point reduction along with corresponding nerf in invulnerability (were you not expecting that?). Still AV 14 and still has Living Metal (although again that only helps remove Crew Stunned/Shaken now). Can still Deep Strike but no longer has invulnerability from Mishaps. Has 4 Gauss Flux Arcs (which are now just Heavy 3 instead of randomly rolled). Particle whip is now just a straight up S8 AP3 24" large blast. The portal can be used to either transport any non-vehicle friendly Necron unit through it or to suck enemy models within 6" to instant death who fail a Strength Test. No bonus to reanimation protocols (the replacement for WBB) is present. Although, at the end of the day, this is still an AV14 vehicle all around, which is pretty imposing in the current game. Unfortunately all of its weapons are really close range, which means it will also now tend to be in Melta range...

• Doom Scythe: Pure fighter variant of the Night Scythe. AV11 with Living Metal (but no Quantum Shielding or open-topped). Is supersonic (36" flat-out) and can fire all its weapons when moving at cruising speed. Has a twin-linked tesla Destructor & a Death Ray, which allows a 3D6" line to be drawn (with one end of the line being within 12" of the vehicle) and causes a number of hits on every unit crossed by the line equal to the number of MODELS in the unit hit. Oh and did I mention that these hits are S10 AP1? Nasty indeed! But at nearly 200 pts for an AV11 vehicle, to get within 12" to unleash this beast will probably be a bit rough.

• Tomb Spyders: The artwork makes them look much more flying and nimble, like giant Scarabs. Can now repair vehicles like a Techmarine, Big Mek, etc. Can take an anti-psychic defense against any power targeting a friendly unit within 3" (nullified on a 4+). Can still create Scarab Swarms, but only into existing swarms on the table (they no longer form a unit with the Spyder) and it can still take damage if it rolls a '1' while doing so. Can take Whip Coils (by giving up a close combat weapon and a +1 to repair vehicles) which is like a Tyranid Lash Whip. Can take 1 or 2 Particle Beamers (by removing its CC/fixer arms) to do so. 1-3 in a unit.

Crypteks vs. (basic) Lords in the 'Royal Court': both have more like squad leader stats then character stats (1 wound each for example) with both of their base points are in the exact same range as an IG Commissar, for example. However, all of the upgrades for these guys clock in the 5 to 45 point range (each option) with probably a 15 point median for their gear, so you can imagine that these guys will very quickly eat up your points if you give them many (or any) upgrades.

The Lords have access to 4 Weapon upgrade options (Warschythe, Gauntlet of Fire, Hyperphase Sword & Voidblade) and 5 wargear-esque options (Sempirternal Weaev, Mindshackle Scarabs, Tesseract labyrinth, Ressurection Orb & Phase Shifter). Of all those weapons and upgrades only the Rez Orb benefits the unit. The rest of the upgrades just give the Lord extra benefits in combat or armor save.

So really, if you're looking to make the Lord improve a unit by leading it, besides adding some CC punch to the unit your only real choice is the Rez Orb and the Rez Orb is on the high end of the points scale for their wargear so it isn't exactly a steal to get a Rez Orb into a unit (which for those who aren't keeping up boosts their Resurrection Protocols to a 4+).

Crypteks can be taken plain jane if you wanted (with only a Staff of Light), but if you want to upgrade them at all, then you have to select a 'discipline' that they follow. There are five disciplines to pick from and each one costs some amount of points to take, with the only benefit being that you get an upgraded weapon instead of the staff of light that fits into that discipline's role.

The 5 Disciplines are: Harbinger of Destruction (described as 'plasmancers', weapon is Eldritch Lance, wargear choices are Gaze of Flame & Solar Pulse), Harbinger of Eternity (able to read the future, weapon is Aeonstave, weargear choices are Chronometron & Timesplinter Cloak), Harbinger of Transmogrification (described as 'geomancers', weapon is Harp of Dissonance, options are Seismic Cruicble & Tremorstave), Harbringer of the Storm (described as 'ethermancers', weapon is Voltaic Staff, options are Ether Crystal & Lightning Field) & Harbringer of Despair (described as 'psychomancers', weapon is Abyssal Staff, options are Nightmare Shroud & Veil of Darkness).

Now, once you've chosen a discipline to upgrade to, you're allowed to give the Cryptek one (or both) of the listed wargear options. HOWEVER, the rules state that 'each of the wargear options can only be chosen once in each Royal Court'. So the only way you're going to get more than one Veil of Death (for example) is to take a second Royal Court and even then you're only getting a second one. So it does not look like you will be able to spam these items.

Although there are some exceptions, for the most part these wargear options tend to benefit the unit they're leading, or affect enemy units that are trying to do something to the unit. Like giving the unit assault and defensive grenades (Gaze of Flame), you already know about Solar Pulse if you've been reading my posts closely, causing damage on enemy units Deep Striking near or assaulting that Necron unit (Ether Crystal & Lightning Field respectively), reducing one enemy unit's assault move against that Necron unit by D3" (Seismic Crucible), etc. And all of the upgraded Cryptek weapons are ranged weapons.

So in general I think the basic Lord is what you take if you're trying to give the Royal Court some CC punch (or give a unit some CC punch)...besides the obvious Rez Orb choice, of course! Instead, if you're wanting to upgrade your unit to have some unique abilities and a specialty shooting weapon in it, then the Cryptek is the way to go.

C'Tan Shards: Just to be clear (someone asked), the Necrons do not have any kind of 'deal' worked out with the C'Tan shards. It doesn't state how, but they are able to control them somehow (using their super-tech) to basically point them at the enemy and get them to do what they want, but of course in game terms this isn't represented, there's no special 'rage' rule or anything forcing you to play a C'Tan a certain way.

The fluff says that the Necrons are constantly hunting down missing C'Tan shards and trying to imprison them in pocket dimensional prisons. They know that they can never fully destroy a C'Tan (only break them into shards and keep them from forming back together), but of course their fear is that the C'Tans will be able to reform and then take revenge back against the Necrons.

Every indication I get from the codex is that you'll just use the existing models to represent C'Tan shards, because if you think about how they're described now, a 'shard' is really much closer to what the old codex's power-level was for a C'Tan.

As for the 2 'Manifestations of Power' each shard must take, they each cost a different point value (between 10 & 50 points) and you can only have one of each choice in the army no matter how many C'Tan shards you take. There is a wide variety of different things that can be chosen, from powers that are roughly equivalent to some of the special rules that the Deceiver & Nightbringer had access to in the last codex and plenty of new impressive rules as well (such as making all difficult terrain on the table dangerous for the enemy or making one enemy model in base contact have to pass an Initiative test or be removed from the table). 3 of them are shooting attack choices, each obviously quite a different kind of attack than the others.

As awesome as some of this suonds, you have to temper that with the fact that shards are nearly 200 points with no options, and once you factor in the two manifestation upgrades, you're talking about a unit that is somewhere between 200-300 points (depending on which two manifestations you take).


• Deathmarks, Lychguard & Triarch Praetorians: 5-10

• C'Tan Shard & Triach Stalker: 1 per FOC

• Flayed Ones: 5-20


• Warriors: 5-20

• Immortals: 5-10


• Canoptek Wraiths: 1-6

• Canoptek Scarabs: 3-10

• Tomb Blades: 1-5

• Destroyers: 1-3


• All Vehicles: 1 per FOC

As for Destroyers. The max it looks like you can have in an army is 9 now, and that's including Heavy Destroyers (Heavy Destroyers are only taken as upgrades in a Destroyer unit).

I have not seen any force organization chart wackiness unlocked by anything...quite a big change from all the recent codexes, but that's how it seems to be!

And no, there aren't any weapons that ignore invulnerable saves in the codex either...however there are quite a few little special abilities scattered about that simply remove models from play if they fail a certain kind of test, which does effectively ignore invulnerable saves (and any other kind of save too).

Finally, let's look at one of the named character's rules a bit:

Anrakyr the Traveller (they guy traveling around awakening Tomb Worlds and collecting a tithe of troops from those he does) has a few special rules, but one of them is so cool I thought I'd share it. It allows the Necron player to pick an enemy vehicle each shooting phase within 18" and on a D6 roll of 3+, the Necron player is able to fire with that vehicle as if it were his (counting as not moving for the shooting attack and ignoring any shaken/stunned results on it) other words he 'hacks' into the vehicle and momentarily takes control!

I can't imagine too many people ever taking this guy over the Stormlord (although he is 50 pts cheaper), but that ability could just do some crazy things, especially in Apocalypse games where you could shoot with an enemy titan or other super-heavy vehicle!

When it comes to Necron AT, the thing you have to remember is that you're still dealing with an army where most units (those with Gauss weapons) have the ability to inflict glancing hits on vehicles and now you have Scarabs (and a few other models) with Entropic Stirke which allows you to reduce the armor of enemy vehicles, so I do think those two things potentially change how much AT firepower a Necron army has to have compared to traditional armies.

There are no units walking around with a bunch of AT firepower in them like you see in some other codexes (such as Long Fangs), but again, I don't think you're quite as reliant on these types of units because you have a few different avenues to get the same job done.

• The Stormlord has that Lightning that occurs when Night Fighting is going on, which hits vehicles on a D6 roll of '6' with D6 S8 hits that go against the side armor of vehicles that are hit.

• Most models with a Warscythe are striking at S7 in combat with them (which can certainly punch most vehicles). And when on a Command barge ICs can make 3 attacks on an enemy vehicle's back armor they pass over with their movement.

• Lychguard with Dispersion Shields could theoretically bounce back AT fire off their shields onto enemy vehicles within 6" (but there's no reliability there).

• The Triach Stalker of course has a 24" 2 shot S8 Melta weapon.

• C'Tan shards can take a 24" S9 shooting attack if they want. And of course the C'Tan & Tomb Spyders are both Monstrous Creatures (S7 & S6 respectively) which means they can still tear vehicles apart in CC.

• Heavy Destroyers are still 36" S9 shots.

• Wraiths are S6 rending 3 Attacks in CC.

• Scarabs of course (and some other models with special close combat weapons such as the Void Blade) have Entropic attacks.

• The Monolith still has its 24" S8 Particle Whip Large Blast.

• Doomsday Ark has the 72" S9 AP1 (large blast) shot if it doesn't move.

* Annihilation Barges & Night Scythes both have the twin-linked Tesla Destructor, which despite being AP-, should still do a decent job on low armor vehicles (with a S7 and 4 shots and the potential for more hits if you roll '6's to hit).

• The Doom Scythe of course has the Death Ray. I actually read its rules wrong before...its not quite as good as what I wrote before. It does a number of hits on a unit equal to the number of models in the unit that are under the line. So if a unit has 5 models under the line it takes 5 hits, but if a unit is only made up of a single model, then it is only taking 1 hit. Of course the hits are S10 AP1, so its still pretty nasty.

• Generic Overlords & Destroyer Lords can take a Tachyon Arrow, which is like a super version of the Hunter-Killer missile. It is one-use, but is S10 AP1 with unlimited range.

* One flavor of Cryptek has a 36" S8 attack, another has a 12" Assault 4 attack that hits like Haywire Grenades on vehicles (2-5 = glancing hit, 6 = penetrating hit), while another has a S6 single shot with unlimited range that is an Entropic attack (so will reduce enemy vehicle armor by 1 if it hits).

So all said, it looks like there should be plenty of AT options available.

Mensajes : 1086
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011
Localización : Mundo Necrópolis Antirancio.

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Karring Lun Oct 24, 2011 9:40 pm

¿No han incluido al bicho de forge? Podrían habérserlo currado "oficializando" y actualizando sus reglas...
PD: por favor, si resulta que sí lo han incluido corregidme, que con tantos kilos de rumor se me pueden escapar cosas.

Mensajes : 545
Fecha de inscripción : 23/09/2011

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Glandalf Lun Oct 24, 2011 10:45 pm

Se supone que no.
Hablan de un monstenco gordisimo (wellcome to monsterhammer), que al principio decían que seía un C'tan pero más gordo, y posteriormente cambiaron y dijeron que podría ser algo así como un primarca (leman?) o similar, amaestrado. Pero ni idea, lo mismo son rumores de estos raruzcos. En todo caso no saldría junto al codex sino más adelante.

Mensajes : 987
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011
Edad : 37

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Karring Lun Oct 24, 2011 10:50 pm

En segunda oleada o algo así, ¿no?

Mensajes : 545
Fecha de inscripción : 23/09/2011

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Glandalf Lun Oct 24, 2011 11:08 pm

Ademas viendo el tema de la otra csa que les había pisado los tiranidos y tal es posible que se den prisa en sacarlo todo. Smile

Mensajes : 987
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011
Edad : 37

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  stupendoman Lun Oct 24, 2011 11:32 pm

El ciempies ya es oficial desde que salio el Imperial Armour Apocalipsis second edition Laughing

Me parecio entender que Gw no volera a robar un diseño a FW.


Mensajes : 2120
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Luzbel Lun Oct 24, 2011 11:42 pm

Alguien ha comprobado si han cambiado las estadísticas del ciempies en el libro nuevo?

Rumores necrón - Página 9 Th_455367101_TS_painted1_122_21lo

Por cierto acabo de ver en una página española las figuras en pre-venta y ahí vamos con los nombres: Pretorianos y triarcas pretorianos, marcamuertes, guardia del lich, arca del juicio final/arca fantasmal, barcaza catacumba comando/aniquilación.

Mensajes : 1576
Fecha de inscripción : 23/09/2011
Localización : Averno

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Rumores necrón - Página 9 Empty Re: Rumores necrón

Mensaje  Yo_soy_el_Caos! Mar Oct 25, 2011 12:09 am

Nah,el ciempies sigue estando igual,un bichaco con multitud de reglas universales,y sobretodo especialmente hecho para machacar eldars oscuros debido a su inmunidad casi total a los venenos.

Por lo que he leido de los necrones en diversos foros,tiene toda la pinta de que va a ser un codex muyyyy parecido a como funcionan los eldars oscuros,es decir,multitud de unidades cada una con su funcion,con lo que va a permitir muchos tipos de ejercito: cosa buena.

Especialistas sobretodo en joder vehiculos y con algun combo que otro bastante desagradable.

Sera un buen codex y solo quedan ver costes definitivos de puntos y juguetitos varios

Mensajes : 1102
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011

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