Orden de Batalla "The French Army" Waterloo 1815
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Orden de Batalla "The French Army" Waterloo 1815
The French Army
The Emperor Napoleon
Total Strength of the French Army: 128000 men, 366 guns
I Corps: D’Erlon
1st Division (Allix/Quiot)
54th Light Infantry
55th Light Infantry
28th Infantry
105th Infantry
2nd Division (Donzelot)
13th Light Infantry
17th Infantry
19th Infantry
31st Infantry
3rd Division (Marcognet)
21st Infantry
46th Infantry
25th Infantry
45th Infantry
4th Division (Durutte)
8th Infantry
29th Infantry
85th Infantry
95th Infantry
1stCavalry Division (Jaquinot)
7th Hussars
3rd Chasseurs
3rd Lancers
4th Lancers
I Corps Artillery (de Salles)
5 foot batteris
1 horse Battery
II Corps (Reille)
5th Divison (Bachelu)
2nd Light Infantry
3rd Infantry
72nd Infantry
108th Infantry
6th Division (Jérôme)
1st Light Infantry
3rd Infantry
1st Infantry
2nd Infantry
7th Divison (Girard)
11th Light Infantry
82nd Infantry
12th Light Infantry
4th Infantry
9th Division (Foy)
92nd Infantry
93rd Infantry
4th Light Infantry
100th Infantry
2nd Cavalry Division (Piré)
1st Chasseurs
6th Chasseurs
5th Lancers
6th Lancers
II Corps Artillery (Pellitier)
5 foot batteries
1 horse battery
III Corps (Vandamme)
8th Divison (Lefol)
15th Light Infantry
23rd Infantry
37th Infantry
64th Infantry
10th Division
34th Infantry
88th Infantry
22nd Infantry
70th Infantry
2nd (Swiss) Infantry
11th Division (Berthezène)
12th Infantry
56th Infantry
33rd Infantry
86th Infantry
3rd Cavalry Division (Domon)
4th Chasseurs
8th Chasseurs
12th Chasseurs
III Corps Artillery (Douguereau)
4 foot Batteries
1 horse battery
IV Corps (Gérard)
12th Division (Pêcheux)
30th Infantry
96th Infantry
6th Light infantry
63rd Infantry
13th Division (Vichery)
59th Infantry
76th Infantry
48th Infantry
69th Infantry
14th Division (Bourmont/Hulot)
9th Light Infantry
111th Infantry
44th Infantry
50th Infantry
7th Cavalry Division (Maurisn)
6th Hussars
8th Chasseurs
6th Dragoons
11th Dragoons
16th Dragoons
IV Corps Artillery (Baltus)
4 foot batteries
1 horse battery
VI Corps (Lovau)
19th Division (Simmer)
5th Infantry
11th Infantry
27th Infantry
84th Infantry
20th Division (Jeanin)
5th Light Infantry
10th Infantry
107th Infantry
21st Division (Teste)
8th Light Infantry
65th Infantry
75th Infantry
VI Corps Artillery
4 foot batteries
1 horse battery
I Cavalry Corps (Pajol)
4th Cavalry Division (Soult)
1st Hussars
4th Hussars
5th Hussars
5th Cavalry Division (Subervie)
1st Lancers
2nd Lancers
11th Chasseurs
2 horse batteries
II Cavalry Corps (Exelmans)
9th Cavalry Division
5th Dragoons
13th Dragoons
15th Dragoons
20th Dragoons
10th Cavalry Division (Chastel)
4th Dragoons
12th Dragoons
14th Dragoons
17th Dragoons
2 horse batteries
III Cavalry Corps (Kellerman)
11th Cavalry Division (L’Héritier)
2nd Dragoons
7th Dragoons
8th Cuirassiers
11th Cuirassiers
12th Cavalry Division (d’Hurbal)
1st Carabiniers
2nd Carabiniers
2nd Cuirassiers
3rd Cuirassiers
2 horse batteries
IV Cavalry Corps (Milhaud)
13th Cavalry Division
1st Cuirassiers
4th Cuirassiers
7th Cuirassiers
12th Cuirassiers
14th Cavalry Division (Delort)
5th Cuirassiers
10th Cuirassiers
6th Cuirassiers
9th Cuirassiers
2 horse batteries
Imperial Guard (Drouot)
Grenadier Division (Friant)
1st Grenadiers
2nd Grenadiers
3rd Grenadiers
4th Grenadiers
Chasseur Division (Morand)
1st Chasseurs
2nd Chasseurs
3rd Chasseurs
Young Guard (Duherme)
1st Tiraillerus
1st Voltigeurs
3rd Tiraillerus
3rd Voltigeurs
Guard Light Cavalry Division (Lefebvre-Desnouëttes)
Guard Chasseurs á Cheval
Lancers of the Guard
Guard Heavy Cavalry Division (Guyot)
Grenadiers á Cheval
Guard Dragoons
Gendarmerie d’Elite
Guard Artillery
6 medium foot batteries
4 horse batteries
Guard Artillery Reserve (Desvaux de Saint-Maurice)
4 heavy foot batteries.
Un ejemplo más, en este caso el orden de batalla del ejército francés en la batalla de Waterloo. Como se puede ver los cuerpos de ejército están formados por infanterías ligeras y de línea, además de artillería. Nos encontramos con regimientos de granaderos y tiradores en la division de la guardia, la cuál en Waterloo tuvo un papel importante también.
disco- Mensajes : 678
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011
Edad : 34
Localización : Córdoba
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