que vienen los lobos
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Re: que vienen los lobos
El dibujo muy guapo, pero el amigo podía mantener la hoja de la espada algo mejor. Es innoble que un marine espacial, aunque sea tan divergente como un lobo, tenga su arma, un arma de energía para más señas, en ese estado.
Entre los rumores que he oido, los que más creo/espero:
- Se acabó el supermarine Cazador Gris: o bólter o arma cuerpo a cuerpo, la opción de llevar las dos se queda para los Marines del Caos (pagando). Imagino que los lobos igualmente elegirán el bólter; sólo por tener contraataque (automático en 7ª) ya son combatientes superiores a la media marine. Por lo visto es lo único que pierden y por lo demás permanecen exactamente iguales a 15 puntos. Si los Cicatrices Blancas también aumentaran su precio lo vería más justo, ahora los Lobos son Marines Espaciales con sus propias tácticas, honrados, pero un punto más caros.
- Se acabaron las ofertas para Cazador Gris: a pagar todas las armas especiales. Sigue siendo mejor que tener que llevar un arma pesada, de las cuales desde que empezó 7ª no he visto ni una en una escuadra táctica. Un punto más para la honradez de los Lobos Espaciales, muy necesario.
- Garras Sangrientas a 13 puntos, con Rabia y sin regla chorra de "me pierde asaltar". Muy necesario también, 2 puntos menos que el Cazador Gris, sin reglas restrictivas y más ataques a la carga.
- La Guardia del Lobo no se separa. Hay una Unidad de Guardia del Lobo, una unidad de Exterminadores de la Guardia del Lobo y una opción de añadir Guardia del Lobo (sargento) para las diversas unidades. ¿Puede ser el fin de los sargentos-exterminadores en unidades con servoarmadura?. No lo veo mal. Se supone que las armaduras de exterminador son para acciones muy concretas, no para que las lleve quien y como le apetezca.
- La nave... me la creo porque ya hay fotos y tal, pero me parece una batraciada. Deja al Stormraven en la cuneta por mucho con dos armas acopladas adicionales a cambio de la capacidad de transportar un Dreadnought (y de pagarlo, claro). En un enfrentamiento la cosa se reduce a quién ataca primero, con la diferencia de que el Stormraven tiene una sola oportunidad ya que sus misiles se acaban mientras que el Stormwolf dispone de sus cuatro armas acopladas durante toda la partida. El Stormwolf es una razón de peso para cambiar el fusión del Stormraven por Misiles Tifón aunque eso lo hace más caro aún.
La versión artillera Stromfang yo no la termino de ver: menos transporte, no es vehículo de asalto, pierde armas, el cañón congelante pierde acoplamiento a cambio de unas ventajas que me parecen endebles... en fin, todo lo que hace a un vehículo superior a otro.
- Canis Nacido Lobo desaparece. Me sorprende ya que tenía miniatura propia, pero no lo veo raro, la miniatura se puede usar igualmente. Me pregunto qué pasará con los otros personajes secundarios. ¿Arjac estará solo disponible para escuadras de exterminadores marines, o estará siquiera?.
Entre los rumores que he oido, los que más creo/espero:
- Se acabó el supermarine Cazador Gris: o bólter o arma cuerpo a cuerpo, la opción de llevar las dos se queda para los Marines del Caos (pagando). Imagino que los lobos igualmente elegirán el bólter; sólo por tener contraataque (automático en 7ª) ya son combatientes superiores a la media marine. Por lo visto es lo único que pierden y por lo demás permanecen exactamente iguales a 15 puntos. Si los Cicatrices Blancas también aumentaran su precio lo vería más justo, ahora los Lobos son Marines Espaciales con sus propias tácticas, honrados, pero un punto más caros.
- Se acabaron las ofertas para Cazador Gris: a pagar todas las armas especiales. Sigue siendo mejor que tener que llevar un arma pesada, de las cuales desde que empezó 7ª no he visto ni una en una escuadra táctica. Un punto más para la honradez de los Lobos Espaciales, muy necesario.
- Garras Sangrientas a 13 puntos, con Rabia y sin regla chorra de "me pierde asaltar". Muy necesario también, 2 puntos menos que el Cazador Gris, sin reglas restrictivas y más ataques a la carga.
- La Guardia del Lobo no se separa. Hay una Unidad de Guardia del Lobo, una unidad de Exterminadores de la Guardia del Lobo y una opción de añadir Guardia del Lobo (sargento) para las diversas unidades. ¿Puede ser el fin de los sargentos-exterminadores en unidades con servoarmadura?. No lo veo mal. Se supone que las armaduras de exterminador son para acciones muy concretas, no para que las lleve quien y como le apetezca.
- La nave... me la creo porque ya hay fotos y tal, pero me parece una batraciada. Deja al Stormraven en la cuneta por mucho con dos armas acopladas adicionales a cambio de la capacidad de transportar un Dreadnought (y de pagarlo, claro). En un enfrentamiento la cosa se reduce a quién ataca primero, con la diferencia de que el Stormraven tiene una sola oportunidad ya que sus misiles se acaban mientras que el Stormwolf dispone de sus cuatro armas acopladas durante toda la partida. El Stormwolf es una razón de peso para cambiar el fusión del Stormraven por Misiles Tifón aunque eso lo hace más caro aún.
La versión artillera Stromfang yo no la termino de ver: menos transporte, no es vehículo de asalto, pierde armas, el cañón congelante pierde acoplamiento a cambio de unas ventajas que me parecen endebles... en fin, todo lo que hace a un vehículo superior a otro.
- Canis Nacido Lobo desaparece. Me sorprende ya que tenía miniatura propia, pero no lo veo raro, la miniatura se puede usar igualmente. Me pregunto qué pasará con los otros personajes secundarios. ¿Arjac estará solo disponible para escuadras de exterminadores marines, o estará siquiera?.
Aertes D- Mensajes : 1727
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011
Re: que vienen los lobos
Keep in mind: My source only had a few minutes alone with the book, and there is an enormous amount of information in a codex, so they couldn't get everything. If anything more makes it to me, I will edit the OP.
General Information about Codex: Space Wolves
Sagas are out, replaced with Warlord Traits
6 new Space Wolves Tactical Objectives
New Space Wolves Psychic Discipline: Tempestas (Source didn't get any actual rules though)
'Space Wolves Unleashed' Detachment FOC:
Identical to standard FOC, except may take up to 6 HQs
May re-roll Warlord Traits
Each unit joined by an Independent Character rolls a d6, on a 6+ that unit gains Outflank. Troops choices get +2 on this roll.
Great Company Formation:
1 Wolf Lord
1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader
1 unit of Wolf Guard
5 units of Grey Hunters
1 unit of Wolf Scouts
5 units chosen from [Blood Claws, Swiftclaws, or Skyclaws]
2 units of Long Fangs
Grants two special rules, source did not get them
Space Wolves Relics (Source didn't get rules, just name and type of item)
Armor of Russ (Armor)
Bite of Fenris (Bolter with two fire modes)
Black Death (Frost Axe, Rule: Whirldwind of Death)
Helm of Durfast (Wargear)
Fangsword of the Ice Wolf (Frost Sword)
Wulfenstone (Wargear)
Logan Grimnar - Lord of War - Points = Land Raider
Epic new model, comes with a sort of grav-chariot called 'Stormrider' pulled by two enormous Fenrisian wolves, but he can be used without it as well.
Stormrider - Points = Land Speeder + 20
Treated as a vehicle, didn't get AVs, has a 4+ Invulnerable save and cannot suffer Penetrating hits (all Pens are reduced to Glances).
Gives Logan 4 S5 Ap- attacks on a turn when he charges.
Logan loses Deep Strike if he takes Stormrider
Lots of other cool rules, but didn't get those.
Njal Stormcaller
No new model shown in codex
Looked to be mostly the same, no specific information
Ragnar Blackmane
No new model shown in codex
Also looked to be mostly the same, no specific information
Ulrik the Slayer
No new model shown in codex
Also looked to be mostly the same, no specific information
Canis Wolfborn
Again, looked to be mostly the same, no specific information
Harald Deathwolf
The resin Thunderwolf Cavalry character model assigned a name
Didn't get the rules/stats.
Bjorn the Fell-Handed
Epic new plastic model, part of a box that makes a regular SW Venerable Dreadnought, Bjorn, or a new special character Dreadnought named 'Murderfang'.
No longer becomes a VP objective when he dies.
Wolf Lord
Mostly the same, no specific information.
Rune Priest
Mostly the same.
Specifically noted as starting at Mastery Level 2.
No other information.
Wolf Priest
Mostly the same, no specific information
Wolf Guard Battle Leader
Mostly the same, no specific information
Blood Claws Pack
12 points per model
Wolf Guard Leader upgrade available
May take a Stormwolf as a Dedicated Transport
No other information
Lukas the Trickster
No specific information, probably the same.
Grey Hunters Pack
14 points per model with a Bolter and Bolt Pistol
Any model may add a Close Combat Weapon for +2 points
One Special weapon per full five models still, but costs raised to same as C:SMs
Wolf Guard Upgrade available
May take a Stormwolf as a Dedicated Transport
No other information
Not sure, but might have an option for a Helfrost Cannon
Otherwise similar to old codex, no other information
Murderfang - Points = Vindicator + 20
Crazy-awesome special character Venerable Dreadnought
Wolverine + Dreadnought + Extra Insanity = Murderfang
WS5 BS3 S6 F12 S12 R10 I4 A4 HP3
'Murderclaws' with underslung Storm Bolter and Heavy Flamer
Special Rules:
Furious Charge
It Will Not Die
May take a Drop Pod
'Murderclaws' - A pair of enormous, even for a Dreadnought, Lightning Claws made of 'alien ice that never melts or loses sharpness'
S7 AP2 - Melee, Master-Crafted, Shred, Specialist Weapon
Venerable Dreadnought
Definitely has an option for a Helfrost Cannon
Can also have an enormous Power Axe and Storm Shield, said to look incredible.
Some special rules, but didn't get them
Iron Priest
No new model shown in codex
Options appeared to be nearly identical to old codex, probably a couple points changes though
Can take a unit of 1-5 Servitors, rules also looked the same as old codex
No other information
Lone Wolf
Rules nearly identical to old codex, didn't get points cost
Owning player no longer gains a VP if they die
No other information
Wolf Guard Pack
This unit is just for Wolf Guard in Power Armor.
Same cost per model as before
Have a similarly wide array of options as in the old codex, couldn't get specifics though
May take a Stormwolf as a Dedicated Transport
Wolf Guard Terminator Pack
What it says on the tin, Wolf Guard in TDA
33 points per model with Storm Bolter and Power Weapon base
Options (any model in the unit can take these, this isn't all of the options though):
Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield - 15 points
Pair of Wolf Claws - 15 points
Power Fist - 10 points
Frost Axe - 5 points
Frost Sword - 5 points
Combi-weapon - 5 points
Heavy Flamer - 10 points
Assault Cannon - 20 points
Cyclone Missile Launcher - 25 points
May take a Stormwolf as a Dedicated Transport
Arjac Rockfist
Mostly the same, no specific information
Wolf Scouts
Source totally forgot to look at them. Sorry guys.
Swiftclaw Pack
-5 points per model from old codex
Otherwise similar to old codex, no other information
Skyclaw Assault Pack
-3 points per model from old codex
Otherwise similar to old codex, no other information
Thunderwolf Cavalry
-10 points per model from old codex
Otherwise similar to old codex, no other information
As noted previously:
Stormwolf - Fast Attack - Points = Land Raider minus 35
BS4 - F12 S12 R12 HP3 - Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)
Twin-linked helfrost cannon
Twin-linked lascannon
Two twin-linked heavy bolters - May be replaced with a Skyhammer launcher for free, or two twin-linked multi-meltas for 20pts
Ceramite Plating
Special Rules:
Assault Vehicle
Power of the Machine Spirit
Transport Capacity - sixteen models
Fire Points - none
Access Points - One ramp at the front of the hull
Stormfang Gunship - Heavy Support - Points = Land Raider minus 30
BS4 - F12 S12 R12 HP3 - Vehicle (Flyer, Hover Transport)
Helfrost destructor
Two twin-linked heavy bolters - May be replaced with a Skyhammer launcher for free, or two twin-linked multi-meltas for 20 pts
Two Stormstrike missiles - May be replaced with a twin-linked lascannon for 15 pts
Ceramite Plating
Special Rules:
Power of the Machine Spirit
Transport Capacity - six models
Fire Points - none
Access Points - One at rear of the hull
Helfrost cannon
dispersed - R24" S6 AP3 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Blast
focussed - R24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Helfrost
Helfrost destructor
dispersed - R24" S6 AP3 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Large Blast
focussed - R24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Lance
Helfrost - If a model suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon, it must pass a separate Strength test for each wound suffered or be removed from play
Land Speeder Squadron
Same as Codex: Space Marines
Fenrisian Wolf Pack
Nearly identical to old codex, no specific information
Long Fangs Pack
Couple of new options for squad leader, who is now called a 'Long Fang Ancient'
Source did not get if they had an option for Flakk Missiles
Might be able to take a Stormwolf/Stormfang as a Dedicated Transport, not sure about this though
Otherwise nearly identical to old codex, no other information
Same as Codex: Space Marines
Same as Codex: Space Marines
Same as Codex: Space Marines
Land Raider and variants
Same as Codex: Space Marines
Rhino and Razorback
No Helfrost Cannon option for the Razorback, same as Codex: Space Marines
Drop Pod
Same as Codex: Space Marines
Notable Exclusions from Codex: Space Marines
No Stormtalon
No Storm Raven
No Hunter or Stalker
Space Wolves AA options: Stormwolf, Stormfang, ADL gun emplacement, and Allies
General Information about Codex: Space Wolves
Sagas are out, replaced with Warlord Traits
6 new Space Wolves Tactical Objectives
New Space Wolves Psychic Discipline: Tempestas (Source didn't get any actual rules though)
'Space Wolves Unleashed' Detachment FOC:
Identical to standard FOC, except may take up to 6 HQs
May re-roll Warlord Traits
Each unit joined by an Independent Character rolls a d6, on a 6+ that unit gains Outflank. Troops choices get +2 on this roll.
Great Company Formation:
1 Wolf Lord
1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader
1 unit of Wolf Guard
5 units of Grey Hunters
1 unit of Wolf Scouts
5 units chosen from [Blood Claws, Swiftclaws, or Skyclaws]
2 units of Long Fangs
Grants two special rules, source did not get them
Space Wolves Relics (Source didn't get rules, just name and type of item)
Armor of Russ (Armor)
Bite of Fenris (Bolter with two fire modes)
Black Death (Frost Axe, Rule: Whirldwind of Death)
Helm of Durfast (Wargear)
Fangsword of the Ice Wolf (Frost Sword)
Wulfenstone (Wargear)
Logan Grimnar - Lord of War - Points = Land Raider
Epic new model, comes with a sort of grav-chariot called 'Stormrider' pulled by two enormous Fenrisian wolves, but he can be used without it as well.
Stormrider - Points = Land Speeder + 20
Treated as a vehicle, didn't get AVs, has a 4+ Invulnerable save and cannot suffer Penetrating hits (all Pens are reduced to Glances).
Gives Logan 4 S5 Ap- attacks on a turn when he charges.
Logan loses Deep Strike if he takes Stormrider
Lots of other cool rules, but didn't get those.
Njal Stormcaller
No new model shown in codex
Looked to be mostly the same, no specific information
Ragnar Blackmane
No new model shown in codex
Also looked to be mostly the same, no specific information
Ulrik the Slayer
No new model shown in codex
Also looked to be mostly the same, no specific information
Canis Wolfborn
Again, looked to be mostly the same, no specific information
Harald Deathwolf
The resin Thunderwolf Cavalry character model assigned a name
Didn't get the rules/stats.
Bjorn the Fell-Handed
Epic new plastic model, part of a box that makes a regular SW Venerable Dreadnought, Bjorn, or a new special character Dreadnought named 'Murderfang'.
No longer becomes a VP objective when he dies.
Wolf Lord
Mostly the same, no specific information.
Rune Priest
Mostly the same.
Specifically noted as starting at Mastery Level 2.
No other information.
Wolf Priest
Mostly the same, no specific information
Wolf Guard Battle Leader
Mostly the same, no specific information
Blood Claws Pack
12 points per model
Wolf Guard Leader upgrade available
May take a Stormwolf as a Dedicated Transport
No other information
Lukas the Trickster
No specific information, probably the same.
Grey Hunters Pack
14 points per model with a Bolter and Bolt Pistol
Any model may add a Close Combat Weapon for +2 points
One Special weapon per full five models still, but costs raised to same as C:SMs
Wolf Guard Upgrade available
May take a Stormwolf as a Dedicated Transport
No other information
Not sure, but might have an option for a Helfrost Cannon
Otherwise similar to old codex, no other information
Murderfang - Points = Vindicator + 20
Crazy-awesome special character Venerable Dreadnought
Wolverine + Dreadnought + Extra Insanity = Murderfang
WS5 BS3 S6 F12 S12 R10 I4 A4 HP3
'Murderclaws' with underslung Storm Bolter and Heavy Flamer
Special Rules:
Furious Charge
It Will Not Die
May take a Drop Pod
'Murderclaws' - A pair of enormous, even for a Dreadnought, Lightning Claws made of 'alien ice that never melts or loses sharpness'
S7 AP2 - Melee, Master-Crafted, Shred, Specialist Weapon
Venerable Dreadnought
Definitely has an option for a Helfrost Cannon
Can also have an enormous Power Axe and Storm Shield, said to look incredible.
Some special rules, but didn't get them
Iron Priest
No new model shown in codex
Options appeared to be nearly identical to old codex, probably a couple points changes though
Can take a unit of 1-5 Servitors, rules also looked the same as old codex
No other information
Lone Wolf
Rules nearly identical to old codex, didn't get points cost
Owning player no longer gains a VP if they die
No other information
Wolf Guard Pack
This unit is just for Wolf Guard in Power Armor.
Same cost per model as before
Have a similarly wide array of options as in the old codex, couldn't get specifics though
May take a Stormwolf as a Dedicated Transport
Wolf Guard Terminator Pack
What it says on the tin, Wolf Guard in TDA
33 points per model with Storm Bolter and Power Weapon base
Options (any model in the unit can take these, this isn't all of the options though):
Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield - 15 points
Pair of Wolf Claws - 15 points
Power Fist - 10 points
Frost Axe - 5 points
Frost Sword - 5 points
Combi-weapon - 5 points
Heavy Flamer - 10 points
Assault Cannon - 20 points
Cyclone Missile Launcher - 25 points
May take a Stormwolf as a Dedicated Transport
Arjac Rockfist
Mostly the same, no specific information
Wolf Scouts
Source totally forgot to look at them. Sorry guys.
Swiftclaw Pack
-5 points per model from old codex
Otherwise similar to old codex, no other information
Skyclaw Assault Pack
-3 points per model from old codex
Otherwise similar to old codex, no other information
Thunderwolf Cavalry
-10 points per model from old codex
Otherwise similar to old codex, no other information
As noted previously:
Stormwolf - Fast Attack - Points = Land Raider minus 35
BS4 - F12 S12 R12 HP3 - Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)
Twin-linked helfrost cannon
Twin-linked lascannon
Two twin-linked heavy bolters - May be replaced with a Skyhammer launcher for free, or two twin-linked multi-meltas for 20pts
Ceramite Plating
Special Rules:
Assault Vehicle
Power of the Machine Spirit
Transport Capacity - sixteen models
Fire Points - none
Access Points - One ramp at the front of the hull
Stormfang Gunship - Heavy Support - Points = Land Raider minus 30
BS4 - F12 S12 R12 HP3 - Vehicle (Flyer, Hover Transport)
Helfrost destructor
Two twin-linked heavy bolters - May be replaced with a Skyhammer launcher for free, or two twin-linked multi-meltas for 20 pts
Two Stormstrike missiles - May be replaced with a twin-linked lascannon for 15 pts
Ceramite Plating
Special Rules:
Power of the Machine Spirit
Transport Capacity - six models
Fire Points - none
Access Points - One at rear of the hull
Helfrost cannon
dispersed - R24" S6 AP3 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Blast
focussed - R24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Helfrost
Helfrost destructor
dispersed - R24" S6 AP3 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Large Blast
focussed - R24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Lance
Helfrost - If a model suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon, it must pass a separate Strength test for each wound suffered or be removed from play
Land Speeder Squadron
Same as Codex: Space Marines
Fenrisian Wolf Pack
Nearly identical to old codex, no specific information
Long Fangs Pack
Couple of new options for squad leader, who is now called a 'Long Fang Ancient'
Source did not get if they had an option for Flakk Missiles
Might be able to take a Stormwolf/Stormfang as a Dedicated Transport, not sure about this though
Otherwise nearly identical to old codex, no other information
Same as Codex: Space Marines
Same as Codex: Space Marines
Same as Codex: Space Marines
Land Raider and variants
Same as Codex: Space Marines
Rhino and Razorback
No Helfrost Cannon option for the Razorback, same as Codex: Space Marines
Drop Pod
Same as Codex: Space Marines
Notable Exclusions from Codex: Space Marines
No Stormtalon
No Storm Raven
No Hunter or Stalker
Space Wolves AA options: Stormwolf, Stormfang, ADL gun emplacement, and Allies
stupendoman- Mensajes : 2120
Fecha de inscripción : 22/09/2011
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