knight model deja las minis de star wars
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knight model deja las minis de star wars
hola gentes de estalia:
Ayer me dio por ver la pagina de Knightmodels y todas la minis de star wars estan descatalogadas tanto de 72mm. como 28mm. y es q van a dejar de hacerlas. Aqui dejo el mensaje que han escrito los resposables de la marca en el facebook:
There have been several questions lately regarding the future of the our Star Wars line . After a lengthy evaluation, Knight Models has decided not to renew the Star Wars license with Lucasfilm. We’ve had a long and fantastic run, but with the economic downturn, we have made the tough decision to discontinue our Star Wars lines and extend the licenses we work with new products as the LOTR , DC , BATMAN films, MARVEL and more .
The license has officially ends ,while I know the news is disappointing, we wanted to make this announcement as soon as possible and thank you for being such great fans. It’s been a fantastic ride with the Star Wars community and working with Lucasfilm and you never know when we may circle back again!.
Knightmodels Team
Ayer me dio por ver la pagina de Knightmodels y todas la minis de star wars estan descatalogadas tanto de 72mm. como 28mm. y es q van a dejar de hacerlas. Aqui dejo el mensaje que han escrito los resposables de la marca en el facebook:
There have been several questions lately regarding the future of the our Star Wars line . After a lengthy evaluation, Knight Models has decided not to renew the Star Wars license with Lucasfilm. We’ve had a long and fantastic run, but with the economic downturn, we have made the tough decision to discontinue our Star Wars lines and extend the licenses we work with new products as the LOTR , DC , BATMAN films, MARVEL and more .
The license has officially ends ,while I know the news is disappointing, we wanted to make this announcement as soon as possible and thank you for being such great fans. It’s been a fantastic ride with the Star Wars community and working with Lucasfilm and you never know when we may circle back again!.
Knightmodels Team
ruso86- Mensajes : 103
Fecha de inscripción : 26/09/2011
Localización : cordoba
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